another juice experiment

After the acquisition of another juicer (Angel 5500), we performed another juicing experiment using the following three methods:

i) blending and then filtering through a nutmilk bag and
ii) using the Z-Star Plus juicer
iii) using the Angel 5500

The produce was Braeburn apples only. I prepared three samples, making sure all have parts of the same apples. Each sample was 345g (2 apples).

Three samples of apples.

Since it was not possible to prepare all juices at the same time, Luana used the Angel, while I started with with the Z-Star, then we used the blending and filter method. Note, that unlike in our first little juicing experiment here we made the blended juice last, so it will be the “freshest” one. The pulp of the Angel and the Z-Star was passed again.

Juice yield with different methods of juicing. Blender method (left), Angel 5500 (center), Z-Star (right).

Similar to our first experiment the blender juice seems much darker, even though we prepared it last. The other two have a similar green colour. The Angel 5500 and the Z-Star produced also some foam again. The taste of the blended juice reminded me of a commercial pasteurized juice and was very different from the other two, which tasted like the apples.

Overview of the yields:

Blender and filter Angel 5500
Z-Star Plus
Apples (Braeburn) 345g 345g 345g
Juice yield 266g 251g 245g
2nd pass 266g 254g
Yield in % 77 77 74
Estimated cost CHF ~0.50 CHF ~0.50 CHF ~0.50

The blended juice is quite different from the other two methods, both in terms of colour and taste. Right now I would say I prefer the juice from the Angel and Z-Star. The Z-Star has the advantage of being independt of electricity, while the Angel has generally a higher yield and is practical if a big quantity is going to be produced. For more information please also read the conclusion from the other experiment.

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