500g potatoes
250g makkaroni (if not available penne will do)
2.5dl cream
200g mountain cheese
2 onions
2 tablespoons of flower
pepper, salt, nutmeg, sweet paprika
Peel the potatoes and chop them into cubes of about 2 cm. Add them to a pan of boiling and salted water and cook them for about 10 minutes, then add the pasta and cook them until “al dente”. In parallel, cut rings from the onions and mix them with the flour, then fry them in in hot butter, stir well until the onions and flour mixture is brownish. After discarding the water from the pasta and potatoes add cream and cheese and half of the onions and mix well. Also add some pepper, nutmeg and sweet paprika. That’s it. Use some of the fried onions as decoration upon serving.
Alternatively, mix the pasta and potatoes with the cream and seasonings and put them in layers alternating with cheese in a gratin bowl, finishing with cheese. Put it in the oven for a few minutes until the cheese is melted. Decorate with onions.
500g de batatas
250g de makkaroni (caso nao tenha, pode ser Penne)
250ml de creme de leite
200g de queijo suico (o idea seria o queijo das montanhas suicas, mas como nao e’ tao facil de encontrar, pode ser gruyere, parmesao, ou outro queijo que derreta bem e seja gostoso)
2 cebolas
2 colheres de sopa de farinha de trigo
pimenta, sal, noz-moscada, paprica doce.
Descasque as batatas e corte-as em cubos de 2cm. Adicione-as em uma panela com agua fervente ja salgada, cozinhando as por 10 minutos. Acrescente a massa e aguarde ate que fique al dente. Em paralelo, corte a cebola em aneis, misture-as com a farinha de trigo e frite-as na manteiga; mexa bem ate que as cebolas fiquem bem douradas. Apos descartar a agua da massa e batatas, adicione o creme de leite, o queijo e metade das cebolas, mexendo bem. Adicione tambem, pimenta do reino, noz-moscada e a paprica. Esta pronto! Use o resto das cebolas como decoracao ao servir o prato.
500g Kartoffeln
250g Makkaroni (falls nicht vorhanden Penne)
2.5dl Rahm
200g rezenter Bergkäse geraspelt
2 Zwiebeln
2 Esslöffel Mehl
Pfeffer, Salz, Muskatnuss, Paprika edelsüss
Die geschälten Kartoffeln in 2cm grosse Stücke schneiden und anschliessend in kochendes Salzwasser geben. Nach 10 Minuten die Pasta hinzugeben und bis “al dente” kochen. Zeitgleich die Zwiebeln in Ringe schneiden und sie mit dem Mehl vermischen. Dann in Butter rösten. Nachdem Kartoffeln und Paste fertig gekocht sind, Wasser abgiessen und mit den Gewürzen (Pfeffer, Muskatnuss und edelsüsse Paprika), dem Käse, dem Rahm und der Hälfte der gerösteten Zwiebeln mischen. Die restlichen Zwiebeln zur Dekoration verwenden.